Academy Fellow wins ANZAAS Medal for her scientific achievements

August 22, 2018
Chief Scientist of Western Australia, Professor Peter Klinken AC presents Professor Kliti Grice with her ANZAAS Medal.

Newly elected Fellow and organic geochemist Professor Kliti Grice has been named the 2018 recipient of The Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science (ANZAAS) Medal for her extraordinary contribution to science.

Professor Grice, who is founding Director of the Curtin-based Western Australian Organic and Isotope Geochemistry Centre, was presented the medal by Chief Scientist of Western Australia, Professor Peter Klinken AC.

Professor Grice is a world-leading authority on molecular fossil and stable isotope geochemistry. Her research into modern and ancient environments has greatly enhanced the understanding of Earth’s early life, microbial ecosystems of the past, aspects of plant and algal physiology and food webs. 

Grice pinpointed sulfide toxicity as an underlying cause of rapid biological turnover, by identifying the frequent presence of green sulfur bacteria in mass extinction sedimentary records. She also established the role of microbial activity in exceptional preservation of fossils.

Professor Grice said she was honoured to be the recipient of the ANZAAS Medal and acknowledged the contributions of a large cohort of Australian and international researchers she has collaborated with.

“The many inspiring students and early career researchers at Curtin who bring such enthusiasm and energy to our research program have also played an important role in any individual achievement of mine,” Professor Grice said.

Professor Grice said she was passionate about science research and enjoyed the challenges it frequently presented.

“As researchers, we often face setbacks, but it is important to remain curious and pursue research projects with determination and persistence in search of greater knowledge of the world,” Professor Grice said.

Read more about Professor Kliti Grice and the ANZAAS Medal.

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