66th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau dedicated to physics

Australian delegation to the 66th Nobel Laureates Meeting

26 June – 1 July 2016

The inspiring Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings, held annually in Germany since 1951, introduce Nobel Prize winners in chemistry, physiology, medicine and physics to younger generations of scientists. From 2004 the Academy has supported an annual delegation of young Australian researchers, accompanied by a member of the Academy's Council. Since 2013, the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) has provided SIEF-AAS Fellowships for up to 10 Australian-based early career scientists in specialist discipline years, and up to 15 in multidisciplinary years.

The 66th meeting of Nobel Laureates from 26 June to 1 July in the German city of Lindau will focus on physics. The meeting will be attended by 31 Laureates and Vinton G. Cerf (ACM A.M. Turing Award 2004), as well as more than 400 young researchers who have been selected on a competitive basis from nearly 80 countries. Australian Nobel Laureate, Professor Brian Schmidt is one of the 31 Laureates who will be in attendance this year.

The young researchers participate in the week-long program that makes up the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. These meetings give young researchers the opportunity to interact with their scientific heroes, exchange ideas, gain exposure to areas in their chosen disciplines and establish new contacts and networks with their peers. This year, Professor Hans Bachor will lead a delegation of 8 outstanding young Australian scientists, all in the field of physics. The 2016 delegation of young scientists is:

  • Paul Altin—Australian National University
  • Josie Auckett—ANSTO
  • Gregory Boyle—James Cook University
  • Joseph Callingham—University of Sydney
  • Jackson Clarke—University of Melbourne
  • Martin Ringbauer—University of Queensland
  • Samuel Yick—CSIRO
  • Adnan Younis—The University of New South Wales

After the conclusion of the meeting, Professor Bachor will accompany young scientists Josie Auckett, Gregory Boyle, Samuel Yick and Joseph Callingham on a once in a lifetime study tour in Hannover. This study tour is designed to expose the students to world class physics research and equipment, and is supported by the Australian Government Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. During the study tour they will have the opportunity to visit many institutions, including the quantum laboratory at Hannover University, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), GWO Gravitational Wave Detector and Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (Germany’s national meteorology institute).

More information on the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting

Attending Lindau has reignited my passion for science…[It] brought my perspective back to the thrill of new discovery and the pursuit of science for the benefit of mankind. It has given me a sense of limitless possibility and the confidence to approach anyone (even a Nobel Laureate) that might be able to help me on my way. - Rebecca Segrave, Monash University

Further information

Email: lindau@science.org.au
Phone: +61 (0)2 6201 9456

This scheme is funded by the Science and industry Endowment Fund.

Important note regarding diversity of the Australian Lindau delegation
The Australian Academy of Science strives for gender equity in science and considers both scientific excellence and a range of diversity issues including gender balance in the selection of the SIEF-AAS Fellows. However, the final selection of attendees is at the discretion of the Lindau Nobel Laureates Meetings committee. To learn more about the Academy’s efforts to address gender equity in the STEMM sector, please visit The SAGE initiative. It should be noted that the Academy has an Equity and Diversity Reference Group.

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