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  1. ... project provides a useful and more detailed look at these aspects in the lab, as well as a different perspective from ... R. D ., Rolan, G. (2015, July). “Digital Preservation: Sustainability Through Participation?” Invited Seminar, ... collaborators and me to understand the relationship between environmental contaminants like OCPs and their effect on an ...
  2. ... general economic measures, export potential of innovations, sustainability and environmental impacts? Other? What are the measures of ... levers of influence as well as risks to be managed. What aspects of individual health and nutrition need to be ...
  3. ... system failure—including political, economic, social and environmental (local to global). The critical issues all dealt with aspects of the key question: what changes are needed to move ... links. The large quantum of change required to meet sustainability targets was well illustrated by the City of ...
  4. ... is a visiting fellow at the ANU's Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies and deeply involved in the activities ... Addressing a gap: academia and the culture-nature interplay Aspects of reality: a conceptual framework for studying ... societal level, in terms of the whole issue of ecological sustainability and so on. Incidentally, at the end of the ...
  5. ... plants and plant products to address grand challenges in sustainability for space and on Earth. Anticipated outcomes ... centres of excellence also include space and radio science aspects: the Centre of Excellence in Optical Microcombs for ... reinforcing this—from satellite engineering and Earth environmental aspects to planetary science, human factors ...
  6. ... top A great welding job We have taken in the less palatable aspects of the last 12 years or so at the Institute. What ... and – though I'll only confess it to friends – even environmental sanitation, seen as the big rival of the ... a great deal of unselfishness on the part of the world. Sustainability in all of these programs will be very ...
  7. ... and technology to economic growth, quality of life and environmental sustainability. The role of universities is to act as a ... education is to successfully blend the exposure to all aspects of human intellectual activity, especially or ...
  8. ... understanding of this subject. In doing so, I noticed two aspects that had not been explained at all before. One was ... properties over many years—population, consumption and sustainability. Do you want to say something about this sort ... the challenges of climate change, resource depletion and environmental destruction. I have given a number of talks ...
  9. ... the two clones probably arising independently from related environmental strains. This has important implications for ... of KConFab, a national consortium for the study of familial aspects of breast cancer. Professor Curt Wentrup , Professor ... meeting in Treiste in January. The main agenda items were sustainability and capacity building in developing ...
  10. ... scientific achievements within the area of environment and sustainability - SEK $1.5 million (approximately $215,000 ... of health, environment, development and equality in all aspects of human life. Winner is awarded 2.5 million NOK  ... prizes for biochemistry and biophysics, medicine and environmental sciences - US $200,000 in each category. ...


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