International Geological Congress travel grant scheme


The call for applications is currently closed

An initiative of the Australian Geoscience Council and the Australian Academy of Science.

Specific funding is available to provide Australian and New Zealand geoscientists in the early stages of their careers with opportunities to travel internationally to further their careers as geoscientists by, for example, undertaking field work in appropriate areas, visiting and working with appropriate international experts, inspecting appropriate mines or other geoscientific features such as type localities, contributing to professionally-organised geoscientific conferences or conventions. Read about previously awarded Travel Grants.

While international travel is restricted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we encourage applicants for these travel grants to detail innovative ways they can conduct their international research, laboratory and field work as part of their applications. There is also an opportunity to delay travel until it is safe. If the option to delay travel is chosen then a detailed outline of the new program of activities, that must match as closely as possible to that outlined in the original application, must be submitted prior to transfer of funds to the recipient.

Value: The anticipated value of each grant will be up to $5000 and is intended to cover all or part of the cost of the proposed travel (including travel expenses, conference registration, and related meals and accommodation).

Location: The travel destination is not critical, but should be one of recognised value for developing the applicant’s career in Geoscience and one where the participant’s personal safety will not be at risk.

Application process: Applications are now closed. Applications with special circumstances may be considered at other times. Due to the limited funds available, not all applications can be approved. The selection panel may approve the full amount sought by an applicant, or may negotiate with the candidate to award a lesser amount.

Queries should be addressed to

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