Be a voice for EMCRs in your discipline


Call for EMCR Representative on the National Committees for Science is now open for the following committees:

National Committee for Geographical Sciences

National Committee for Data in Science


The Australian Academy of Science convenes 22 discipline-based National Committees for Science. These committees work with Australian and international scientists to foster their discipline, provide input into policy, and advise the Academy’s Council on Australia’s representation on the International Science Council and other international bodies.

The National Committees and the Academy’s Early- and Mid-Career Researcher (EMCR) Forum have partnered to create EMCR Representative positions on each National Committee. These positions will provide a voice for EMCRs in each discipline, provide additional avenues for EMCRs to inform the Academy’s policy advice and help the committees to develop effective EMCR activities.

National Committees meet in person one or two times per year and by videoconference up to four times per year. The member will also be involved in ongoing committee business outside meetings. Terms are for 24 months in duration, and travel and accommodation costs to attend meetings is provided.

The role of the EMCR Representative is to:

  1. Provide input to the National Committee that is discipline-specific with an EMCR perspective
  2. Provide input to the National Committees that is from a broad science-sector perspective, by linking with EMCR Forum Executive


The EMCR Representative must be:

  • up to 15 years post-PhD (excluding career breaks), irrespective of their professional appointment
  • currently active in their field
  • a member of the Academy’s EMCR Forum. Signing up to be a member is a free and quick process. Apply here for membership of the EMCR Forum.
  • residing in Australia for the term of the appointment

Assessment Criteria

Applications are considered by the chair of the relevant National Committee, based on:

  • How well the applicant demonstrates their research is appropriate to 'the best interests of Australian science', through benefiting society, government or industry
  • Whether the applicant has engaged in the promotion of science
  • The applicant’s understanding of the Academy’s role in championing Australian science through the EMCR Forum and/or the National Committees for Science.
  • The selection panel will endeavour to select EMCRs who represent the diversity of Australian science, taking into account geographical distribution, gender balance, non-traditional career paths and researchers originating from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.


Complete the application form here

More information

If you require more information, please contact

National Committees for Science
Australian Academy of Science
GPO Box 783
Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: 02 6201 9400

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
