Submission—2025–26 Pre-Budget Submission

On 30 January 2025, the Academy made a pre-budget submission to the Australian Government.


Download submission (PDF, 400KB)

In summary, the Academy recommends that the Australian Government’s 2025–26 Budget include investments to:

  • Set out a long-term national strategy and roadmap—across government, the private sector and science sector—to secure and supercharge Australia’s high-performance computing and data capabilities.
  • Establish an Australian Institute for Earth System Science to provide the coordination and scientific underpinnings—observations, process-based understanding, and advances in predictive models—necessary for government bodies and industry to generate actionable climate intelligence and inform decision-making.
  • Support ‘Teaching Towards 2030’, the Academy’s plan to scale its proven education programs to equip teachers to boost school STEM engagement.
  • Sponsor Australia’s membership in the Belmont Forum and participation in the oceans collaborative research action in 2025, to lead and shape global research efforts on challenges presented by climate and environmental change.

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
