Decadal plan for chemistry (2016-2025)

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Chemistry for a better life: The decadal plan for Australian chemistry 2016–25 was published in February 2016 and presents the strategic vision for Australian chemistry for the next decade.

This decadal plan is the first step in advancing Australia’s most important, value-adding manufacturing sector. It identifies the key challenges, barriers and opportunities for Australia in the 21st century and proposes solutions that can help Australia reach its potential as a world class international manufacturing hub.

About the Committee

The National Committee for Chemistry (NCC) aims to foster chemistry in Australia, link the Academy to Australian scientists and relevant scientific societies, and serve as a link between Australian and overseas chemists, primarily through the International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). The NCC seeks to shape future directions for chemistry in Australia through the production of a decadal plan for the discipline, to be undertaken jointly with the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. The committee also aims to actively strengthen the relationship between Australia and IUPAC, in particular through the nomination of Australia as the host for large IUPAC conferences and meetings, and through involvement in organising such conferences when successful. Through these activities, the committee will facilitate community-wide strategic planning initiatives; promote the national value and benefits of chemistry; and manage relations between Australian chemists, the Academy and IUPAC.

© 2025 Australian Academy of Science
