Position statement—Research ethics and integrity

July 2012

The Australian Academy of Science adheres to the principles outlined in the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. The Code guides institutions and researchers in responsible research practices and promotes integrity in research for researchers. The Code shows how to:

  • manage breaches of the Code and allegations of research misconduct
  • manage research data and materials
  • publish and disseminate research findings, including proper attribution of authorship
  • conduct effective peer review and manage conflicts of interest, and
  • explains the responsibilities and rights of researchers if they witness research misconduct.

There are fundamental principles and professional responsibilities for researchers that should be adhered to when undertaking research. The Academy supports the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity and encourages researchers to observe the principles and responsibilities set out in the statement.

Research involving humans should conform to the principles outlined in the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. Ethics and ethical principles extend to all spheres of human activity. They apply to our dealings with each other, with animals and the environment.

Research involving animals should conform to the principles outlined in the Australian Code for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes. The Animal Welfare Committee plays an important role in ensuring that the highest ethical standards apply to NHMRC funded research involving the use of animals for scientific purposes and that the NHMRC addresses relevant animal welfare issues as they evolve or emerge.

The promotion of responsibility in the conduct of science in different ways is central to the mandate of the Committee on Freedom and Responsibility in the conduct of Science (CFRS) of the International Council for Science (ICSU), of which the Australian Academy of Science is Australia’s National Member.  ICSU has compiled a comprehensive list of codes of conduct from around the globe on the ICSU website at Freedom and Responsibility Portal.

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