A decadal plan for Australian Earth System Science


Australia has considerable national capabilities in climate observations, process-based understanding and modelling. However, these are not aligned with a long-term strategy to answer critical questions of national significance. There are major gaps in observations, process-based understanding, and the integration of understanding into our models.

Critical questions about the future of our weather and climate cannot be answered without a national strategy that brings together the elements of understanding with next generation models and how we might achieve this will be an integral focus of the strategic plan.

In 2024, the National Committee for Earth System Science will produce a report that: 

  1. Assesses the current capabilities in the area. 
  2. Identifies critical gaps in capabilities for the delivery of enhanced global and regional predictions using Earth system and climate system models.
  3. Identifies international trends and initiatives in the area over the period 2026–2035.  
  4. Provides strategies, recommendations and implementation priorities and resources required to ensure robust global and regional predictions using Earth system and climate system models. 

Terms of reference

Click here to read the terms of reference. 

National Committee for Earth System Science          

The members of the National Committee guiding the project are:

  • Professor Andy Pitman FAA, Chair
  • Professor Julie Arblaster
  • Dr Pep Canadell
  • Dr John Finnigan FAA
  • Dr Will Howard
  • Dr Chloe Mackallah 
  • Dr Felicity McCormack
  • Dr Negin Nazarian
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Christoph Rudiger
  • Dr Claire Vincent
  • Dr Jan Zika

Contact information

For more information regarding this project, please contact Isaac Kozlovskis, National Committees for Science Officer.


© 2024 Australian Academy of Science
