Australian Academy of Science Newsletter 129

Message from the President
Since the inception of the Academy 65 years ago, gifts and legacies from Fellows and friends have allowed us to foster, celebrate and promote scientific excellence in Australia.
Action needed to better understand Australian diets
Nutrition science offers huge untapped potential to boost the health and wealth of the nation.
Academies call on health ministers to resolve health data issues
The Australian Academy of Science and the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences convened a roundtable to identify areas for improvement.
A philanthropy update from the Academy
Awardees and supporters mingled at an event showcasing the impact of giving.
STEM Women launches on 1 August
The Academy is set to launch an online directory of women in Australia working in STEM.
ARC Linkage grants awarded to Fellows
Five Academy Fellows have received funding to find practical solutions to challenges in real-world, industry-based settings.
Australian scientists recognised at international geophysics meeting
Contributions of Academy Fellows and National Committee members were acknowledged with high-level appointments and awards.
Three minutes that could change the world
Join the audience in Canberra as the next generation of outstanding innovators and creative thinkers present their ideas at Falling Walls Lab Australia.
Call for expressions of interest for new national QueersInScience network
Individuals who are passionate about advocating for LGBTQIA+ people within STEM can apply to become state champions.
Academy Fellow appointed to Australian Antarctic Science Council
The newly-formed council provides strategic direction for the Australian Antarctic Program.
More news
New volume of Historical Records of Australian Science published
Australian science celebrated at major international meetings
How to improve your memory, a deep-space mystery and the origins of air pollution
EMCRs gain skills to build successful careers
Opportunities for scientists
- 2020 Australian of the Year Awards
- Millennium Technology Prize
- The Abel Prize
- CSIRO Indigenous STEM Awards
- Balliet Latour Health Prize
Fellows update
- Honours and awards to Fellows
Upcoming events
Sounds through science: cochlear implants Changing Lives with Science speaker series, 13 August, Canberra
The Chemistry of Life BeakerStreet @ TMAG, 16 August, Hobart
Ice, wind and waves: In search of climate clues in the Southern Ocean BeakerStreet @ TMAG, 16 August, Hobart
The future of men? BeakerStreet @ TMAG, 16 August, Hobart
Bringing back the dead: Why extinction should not have to be forever BeakerStreet @ TMAG, 16 August, Hobart
The future of coasts 19–20 August, Gold Coast
A 'hypothetical' on climate change: science and the law 22 August, Sydney
Honorary editor: Professor Yuri Estrin FAA