EMCR Pathways Issue 10—February 2017

Issue 10 January 2017

The Australian Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Forum of the Australian Academy of Science serves as the voice of the country's future scientific and research leaders. We currently reach over 3,300 individuals and are seeking to broaden and increase our engagement with Australian EMCRs to better represent their views, needs and vision to decision-makers within the government, members of parliament and key funding agencies.


Editor's welcome

Editor Hamish Clarke welcomes you to the first edition of EMCR Pathways for 2017.

Message from outgoing Chair

Outgoing Chair Dr Nikola Bowden wraps up 2016 and looks ahead to changes in the EMCR Forum for 2017.

Meet the new EMCR Forum executive members for 2017

Get to know the new members joining the EMCR Forum executive committee.

Frontiers of the microbiome—a conference report

The Academy’s latest event for EMCRs focussed on the microbiome.

Continuing the conversation between industry and academia

Roslyn Hickson gives us an update on the EMCR Forum’s discussion paper ‘Starting the conversation between academia and industry’. 

On the job with…Dr Martijn Bijker

Find out what it takes to be a Medical Science Liaison from someone who does the job and trains others to become one too.

Inspiring EMCRs: Getting to know Tristan Clemons

Meet an EMCR who manages to squeeze playing for the Australian Men’s Hockey team around a research career.

Australia–Indonesia Science Symposium (AISS)

The EMCR Forum executive and their counterparts at the Indonesian Young Academy recently helped to organise a conference between our two countries’ scientists.

What have we been up to?

All the news from the EMCR Forum executive committee.

“When some fool physicist gives a lecture on physics and says ‘This is the way it works, and look how wonderfully similar all our theories are’ maybe it’s not because they really are similar. Maybe it’s because we physicists have only been able to think of the same damn thing over and over again. Of course, another possibility is that it is the same damn thing over and over again.”
Richard Feynman

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