What have we been up to?

Sandra Gardam
Early- and Mid-Career Researcher Project Officer
Australian Academy of Science

Hard at work

Many of the executive members have been working hard on Starting the conversation between industry and academia. You can read about the progress on the discussion paper and the feedback we have received in Roslyn Hickson’s article in this issue .

Another major focus for the end of 2016 was the Australia–Indonesia Science Symposium which the EMCR Forum executive members helped to organise and many attended to build bridges with their counterparts from the Indonesian Young Academy. You can read a summary of the event by Nikola Bowden.

Postdoctoral reference survey

In case you missed it the EMCR Forum was recently published! What do postdocs need to succeed? A survey of current standing and future directions for Australian researchers is based on the most recent postdoctoral survey run by the EMCR Forum with the aim of understanding the make-up of the Australian EMCR community and the issues which are affecting them. You can read about some of these issues in Australia can get a better return on its investment in PhD graduates, published in The Conversation.

And if you are wondering where to find some help in navigating all these issues and forging a successful career in research then we suggest you become a member of the EMCR Forum and check out the resources page for EMCRs. This interview with Rick Reis also has some tips for your career.


Sharath Sriram met with Victoria’s new Lead Scientist Dr Amanda Caples to welcome her to the position on behalf of the EMCR Forum in late 2016. We wish her all the best in the role and look forward to maintaining a mutually beneficial relationship with her office.

The EMCR Forum executive committee is currently planning for its annual meeting which will be held in early February. The meeting will focus on planning goals for the coming year and will be the first meeting attending by the new executive members.

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