Dissipation and the Foundations of Classical Statistical Thermodynamics

The David Craig Medal and Lecture

Professor Evans has made outstanding contributions to extending classical statistical mechanics to modern systems. He is regarded internationally as the originator of the Fluctuation Theorems, which extend our understanding of the thermodynamics of small systems observed over a short time. His work resolves unsettled foundations in thermodynamics that persisted over 100 years, unifies the field of thermodynamics, and provides rigorous simulation methods that are widely used today. 

This talk is part of a multi-venue tour. Other dates and venues in 2015 are:

8 October – University of Queensland

27 November - University of Tasmania

30 November - 1 December; Keynote speaker, Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter 2015 - Swinburne University of Technology

3 December – Australian National University

9 – 11 December: Keynote speaker, ANZAMP Meeting 2015 - Newcastle

Please confirm lecture start times with lecture host

Australian National University,Huxley Theatre Australian Capital Territory

Contact Information

Event Manager: Federico Frascoli

12:00 PM December 03, 2015
FOR Scientist
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Contact Information

Event Manager: Federico Frascoli

12:00 PM December 03, 2015

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