The Academy brings together world-leading Australian experts from universities, research institutes and government research agencies to consider and advise the nation on scientific issues. It provides authoritative information and advice on current science, technology and emerging research to inform discussion and assist evidence based policy development and decision-making, including decadal plans, which are 10-year strategic plans for scientific disciplines.
The Academy awards honorific medals, conference funding and research and lecture grants to champion, celebrate and support excellence in Australian science, promote international scientific engagement and to build public awareness and understanding of science.
The Academy has 19 National Committees for Science that are widely representative of its disciplines. The broad aims of the committees are to foster a designated branch or theme of natural science in Australia and to serve as links between Australian and overseas scientists in the same field.
The Academy facilitates Australia’s access to global science and technology, promotes strategic partnerships between Australian and overseas researchers, and contributes Australian expertise and leadership in regional and global science networks.
The Academy is leading the International Science Council’s Regional Focal Point for Asia and the Pacific from 2023 to 2028 to ensure the unique needs and priorities of the region are integrated into the global scientific dialogue.
Future Earth is the largest ever international research and development collaboration focused on long-term sustainability solutions for the planet and human societies, supported by a range of leading global institutions. Future Earth Australia, a node of the global sustainability initiative, is hosted by the Australian Academy of Science.
The Academy recognises that we must celebrate and embrace diversity and inclusion in all its forms and embed diversity and inclusion in everything we do.
The Academy provides career development and network building opportunities for early- and mid-career researchers (EMCRs) through a range of events, awards, and collaborations.
Other initiatives we are currently engaged with include the Australian Brain Initiative, UNCOVER, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Alumni Association in Australia.
© 2025 Australian Academy of Science